The history of mankind in the Bible shows that God expects a certain standard for how His people ought to live. When people disregard God's standard for morality and refuse to submit to His will, they will eventually suffer the consequences of God's righteous judgment (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Revelation 20:15; 21:8). The scriptures even give us examples of the wrath of God being poured out on those who stubbornly persisted in committing sin rather than repenting & conforming to God's divine way of moral living (Acts 5:1-10; 2 Peter 2:5-9; Jude 1:7). God once told the prophet Isaiah, "I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right" (Isaiah 45:19). Mankind has never been given permission to change God's standard for right & wrong (Isaiah 5:20).
God's attributes of holiness, purity, righteousness, and justice remain constant & never change (Malachi 3:6). God is the giver of life (Genesis 2:7) and knows us even before we are born (Jeremiah 1:5). God is grieved & angered by the violent or selfish shedding of innocent blood (Genesis 4:10; Psalm 106:38). God created us from the beginning as male & female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4) and He forbids any sexual relationship outside the marriage of one man & one woman (Matthew 19:5-6; Hebrews 13:4). God determines how He wants us to behave toward each other, regardless of mankind's desires. Nevertheless, today we live in a culture & society wherein moral values are ever-changing. Things that would have been considered shameful & boldly denounced a generation ago are now tolerated, accepted, and oftentimes encouraged & glorified. There are some who believe God's grace gives them a license to continue in sin, even though His word refutes this false notion (Romans 6:1-2; Titus 2:11-12). The "truth of God" is "changed into a lie" when the passions of individuals run wild and dominate the lifestyles of men & women who were originally created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; Romans 1:25). Of course, the Bible acknowledges that sin can be very pleasurable (Hebrews 11:25) and sometimes seems to be the "path of least resistance" in a world consumed by lusts & self-gratification. However, what may appear to be easy & enjoyable now may result in pain & sorrow later. God is aware of everything we say, do, or even think (Proverbs 5:21; 15:3), and each of us will eventually be called upon to give account of our choices & behaviors in this life (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; 2 Corinthians 5:10). God's standard of morality is not subjective, based upon mankind's fickle emotions & opinions, but rather it is objective, based upon God's divine nature & His word.
The Old Testament lists particular sins which are an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16-19) and the New Testament lists a variety of sins which will prevent one from entering the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21). Thankfully, God has provided a way that we may be forgiven of these (and all) sins through repentance & obeying the gospel plan of salvation (Acts 17:30-31; 2:38). Choosing to live morally pure can be challenging, but with God's help through His word, we can escape the darkness of this world and walk in the light (1 John 1:7), while looking forward to an eternal heavenly reward once this life is over (Revelation 2:10).